Barrette Structural: Entreprise Enfant Soleil
It is with pride that we support a cause that is very close to our hearts, those of sick children, by being an “Entreprise Enfant Soleil”, thanks to a recurring annual donation.
Here is what Operation Enfant Soleil achieves thanks to the generosity of Quebecers, for our families and our young people throughout Quebec, including in the regions where we operate:
- The large pediatric centers in Quebec can acquire state-of-the-art equipment and offer warm and welcoming spaces to children
- Regional hospitals can also equip themselves with cutting-edge equipment and ensure that children receive their care while remaining close to their families.
- Organizations working in social and physical health can acquire specialized equipment.
If the entire Barrette Structural community, our employees, our partners and our customers unite to support this essential cause, we will succeed in building a Quebec where the sun will shine for all its children!
Our expertise for the benefit of charities
Each year, thanks to donations of wood components, we support several construction projects linked to charitable organizations. Here are some of the projects in which we are involved, proudly putting the know-how of our people for the benefit of the cause:
- La maison intelligente for the benefit of the Fondation des Petits Rois, which helps children with intellectual disabilities or autism spectrum disorder
- La Maison Enfant Soleil, for the benefit of Operation Enfant Soleil, which helps sick children and their families
- La Loto-Maison, for the benefit of the Fondation de la tablée populaire which helps citizens from underprivileged areas of Drummondville
- And more!